bloody nails guilty hands's Blog

1-Legion of Angels
1-Partially beaten world
1-Pound of Sin
1-Heavenly ounce of Love
1-Sacrificial Lamb (of God)
1-cup of Mercy
1-cup of Love
1-cup of Forgiveness
1-Splinter riddled cross

Take 1 partially beaten world,spread 1 pound of sin generously over partially beaten world,place splinter riddled cross over partially beaten world/sin take 3 nails and 1 sacrificial lamb nailed to the cross, until the blood of the lamb completely covers, world/sin. Spread 1 ounce of Heavenly love sprinkled over the blood.
Mix 1 God with 1 cup of Mercy,1cup of love,1 cup of Forgiveness, pour generously over top of the world,
let ingredients flow freely with the blood,place 1 legion of Angels around the world for protection. Let set
for 3 days. Share generously with the rest of the world.

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